Vegan Spanish Omelet with Caramelized Onion

If you were to ask me what the most ubiquitous dish in Spain is, I’d say certainly the tortilla de patata. As far as I know, every Spanish person knows how to make it, even those who don’t cook. I imagine that when you’re born in Spain, the recipe comes in the Spaniard Handbook along with how to speak at an unnecessarily elevated volume and how to annoy the hell out of your neighbours until they move because they can’t stand you anymore. I’ve never made a tortilla de patatas, I usually leave it up to my husband on the nights that I force ask him to cook, so this is my very first Spanish omelet.

If you were to ask me what the most ubiquitous dish in Spain is, I’d say certainly the tortilla de patata. As far as I know, every Spanish person knows how to make it, even those who don’t cook. I imagine that when you’re born in Spain, the recipe comes in the Spaniard Handbook along with how to speak at an unnecessarily elevated volume and how to annoy the hell out of your neighbours until they move because they can’t stand you anymore. I’ve never made a tortilla de patatas, I usually leave it up to my husband on the nights that I force ask him to cook, so this is my very first Spanish omelet.

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