If using a blender, just blend all of the ingredients together. If using a bowl or big jar, mix together all ingredients except the non-dairy milk.
Add the non-dairy milk and whisk/shake until you have a smooth batter. You’ll definitely be able to smell the black salt now but it will cook out. Don’t worry.
Pour around 100g/1 cup (for a 28cm pan) into a mug or container. Add some finely chopped veggies and mix.

If using a blender, just blend all of the ingredients together. If using a bowl or big jar, mix together all ingredients except the non-dairy milk. Add the non-dairy milk and whisk/shake until you have a smooth batter. You’ll definitely be able to smell the black salt now but it will cook out. Don’t worry. Pour around 100g/1 cup (for a 28cm pan) into a mug or container. Add some finely chopped veggies and mix.

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